It’s been over four years since I last compiled a list of what I like to call “games with benefits.” Since then, educational ...
The aim is to keep the kids away from the devices and bring them to playgrounds and study tables, State Minister of Education ...
With new apps that pop up every day, it's hard for parents to keep track of what might be harmful to their teens.
Gujarat government plans guidelines to restrict children's mobile and social media usage, promoting outdoor activities and ...
Are you planning a birthday party? Here are some options in for the best Birthday Parties in Louisville. Celebrate!
A parent wrote an essay about her experience limiting screen time for her kids. Instead of approaching it from a place of 'no ...
An orthopedic spine surgeon said that he would never let his children play on a home trampoline. According to the American ...
A Northumberland paedophile who was caught with horrific child abuse images feels "physically sick" by his own behaviour. Thomas Rain was caught after the National Crime Agency found he had uploaded ...
Portable electronics in the classroom are nothing new. Why are teachers going softer on smartphones than they did on the Walkman?
We kunnen ze ook vertellen dat ze een boek moeten lezen, knutselen, tekenen of iets anders maken met hun handen. Als de ...
Los van dit alles: waarom geven ouders hun kinderen eigenlijk een telefoon of een tablet? De eerlijkheid gebiedt te zeggen, ...
BERGEIJK - Ze zijn absoluut niet tegen het gebruik van telefoons, laat dat duidelijk zijn. Maar dat kinderen van zes of zeven jaar oud in Snapchatgroepen zitten of urenlang scrollen op TikTok, gaat Bo ...