Officials say it's part of revitalization plan for Kinloch, one they hope can help spur new development in the city for the first time in years.
Small improvements such as painting your garden fence can make your garden "appear bigger", according to an expert.
【ワシントン=芦塚智子】米首都ワシントンのホワイトハウスに近い道路上に描かれた「ブラック・ライブズ・マター(BLM=黒人の命は大切だ)」の文字を消す作業が10日、始まった。共和党による圧力を背景に、ワシントンのバウザー市長が新しいアートに塗り替える方 ...
2015年に起こった性加害事件から10年。2017年5月に伊藤詩織さん自ら顔を出して記者会見に臨み告発したことで、日本の「#MeToo」の象徴として多くの共感を集めた。一方で、多くの誹謗中傷にも晒され、一時は日本にいられないほど心身ともに追い詰められ ...
David Grange said he was confident the railing, less than a metre high, would be approved, but it was described as an ...
Two children were hit by a black BMW i40 after it drove onto a football pitch in the town of Kendal, with police yet to share ...
Families watched in horror on Wednesday night when a black car appeared to lose control , drive through a fence and onto a ...
Photos have shown the remains of a protective fence which lay in tatters down a four foot drop at Kendal Rugby Union Football Club, where children were playing football as a car burst through ...