There is no pass or fail to this test, and your results will NOT satisfy the SCU Core Language requirement. The Proficiency Exam is intended for students who have considerable experience with a ...
Who is eligible to take the proficiency exam? The Proficiency Exam is intended for students who have considerable experience with a language other than English and who would like to demonstrate that ...
To the editor: Why are educators still interested in math and English test scores in the L.A. Unified School District and the rest of California? After all, the University of California and ...
English is the main language of instruction at Concordia University. Applicants whose primary language is not English must write a pre-admissions proficiency test if not exempted as indicated below.
Prospective international graduate students don't need to let standardized tests deter them from U.S. colleges.
However, this is also the second consecutive time that a student from Tamil Nadu had secured the All-India first rank in the CA final exam. Last year, James John Britto of Chennai secured the ...