Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on modifying dysfunctional emotions, behaviors, and thoughts by interrogating and uprooting negative or irrational beliefs.
While both cognitive behavioral therapy for prolonged grief (PG-CBT) and present-centered therapy yielded effective results, PG-CBT significantly reduced the Post Grief Disorder-13 Interview by a ...
A new therapy developed at The University of Manchester is better at treating depression than Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – or CBT – seen as the gold standard by psychologists and health providers.
What is the relative effectiveness of sertraline compared with cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) in people with generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) that has not responded to guided self-help and ...
Psychological interventions:- Are the psychological interventions [cognitive behavioural therapy] (CBT), hypnotherapy and psychological therapy all equally effective in the management of [Irritable ...