A large proportion of babies born very early need intensive care, which can be painful. But the healthcare system fails to provide pain relief to the full extent.
There was a 65% increase in the number of children and young people being admitted to general acute medical wards in hospitals in England because of a mental health concern between 2012 and 2022, ...
There was a 65% increase in the number of children and young people being admitted to general acute medical wards in hospitals in England because of a mental health concern between 2012 and 2022, ...
The number of children in foster care in Hawaiʻi hit a 20-year low last year, an encouraging development for the troubled state Child Welfare Services Branch.
We developed this framework through co-production with partners, agencies and people with direct experience of using care and support services. The assessment framework uses a subset of the quality ...
Anyone wishing to get care and support paid for by the local authority must have a care needs assessment (for a person with dementia), or a carer's assessment (for a carer). This information is for ...
From the April/May issue of Dementia together magazine, we sit in on a specialist training day for care home staff. It's a staff training day at Manton Heights Care ... where we aim to train 20,000 ...