The lab’s focus is on producing correct code. This project reinforces the acquisition of basic GPU/CUDA programming skills, the software interface, and the basic architecture of the device. In this ...
# @brief Compiler configurations for cuda. # @note Values SHOULD be set BEFORE including this file: # - `ENV{NVCC_CCBIN}`: CUDA Compiler bindir. Default: auto ...
A hands-on introduction to parallel programming and optimizations for 1000+ core GPU processors, their architecture, the CUDA programming model, and performance analysis. Students implement various ...
The initial part of the course will discuss a popular programming interface for graphics processors, the CUDA programming tools for NVIDIA processors. The course will continue with a closer view of ...
According to the statements, Google’s Quantum AI unit will use Nvidia’s Eos supercomputer to simulate the physics of its quantum processors. Google will also use the chipmaker’s hybrid ...