According to a 900-year-old book in the Vatican, 'Judgement Day' may be upon us soon, and Pope Francis might be the last ...
Exploring the significance of chewing gum, usually chewed by General Buck Turgidson, in Stanley Kubrick's Cold War comedy masterpiece 'Dr Strangelove'.
Put simply, the plane is a modified aircraft designed to operate as a mobile war room for the President of the United States.
The next Avengers movie will star Robert Downey Jr., albeit not as the heroic Iron Man -- the role he played for over a ...
There's a 'Doomsday Vault' in Norway where the doors only open six times a year, and it's there in case the world should end ...
For a brief period, while the rest of the government is gathered together, a designated survivor is kept away to ensure ...
He believed in biblical visions of the Apocalypse — specifically the Battle of Armageddon — and based his prediction on his Protestant interpretation of the Bible and events that followed biblical ...