The Tampa man said he stole the ambulance after emergency personnel refused to give him a ride home, according to police.
As health officials continue to issue warnings about the dangers of alcohol, it might be time to ditch the nightly habit.
Dietary adjustment is one of the most effective ways to deal with high blood pressure. Incorporating certain kinds of juice ...
The best tech tutorials and in-depth reviews Try a single issue or save on a subscription Issues delivered straight to your ...
I had one of two cups of peppermint tea each day for a week and noticed that I was much more alert than usual. I have put ...
Five lions were sprawled out and sunning on rocks alongside Kenya’s Voi River. Hippos wallowed nearby. Elephants drank and ...
For better focus, less jitteriness and improved gut health, try green tea -- a lower-caffeine alternative to coffee.
I HAD the worst hangover I’ve had in twenty years on Sunday. It started out as a dull but manageable frontal lobe ache, but ...
A Bass Coast woman was almost five times the legal limit when she got behind the wheel and collided with another car while on ...
FIZZY drinks raise your cancer risk, according to a study. Women who consume more than one sugary drink per day were found to be five times more likely to get mouth cancer than those who drink ...
American experts, examining data from over 160,000 women, found those who consumed a type of drink regularly had an increased ...