De Google Pixel 10 verwachten we later dit jaar. De nieuwe smartphone, die de huidige Pixel 9 zal opvolgen, verschijnt nu in ...
Goed nieuws voor de bezitters van de OnePlus 13. De smartphone krijgt binnenkort een update aangeboden, waarbij je in de ...
As far as the cameras are concerned, the Motorola Droid Maxx 2 on the rear packs 21-megapixel camera. It sports a 5-megapixel camera on the front for selfies. Motorola Droid Maxx 2 is based on Android ...
Sony Camera Remote API library and tools. Copyright 2014 Victor Demchenko [praetorian droid]. Project modules: ----- sony-camera-remote-lib: Java implementation for ...
RLDS is a version of the DROID dataset preprocessed to be more suitable for machine learning models. It contains downscaleded images from the left camera of each stereo camera and removes unnecessary ...
The original Droid had 512 meg of storage, 256 meg of RAM, a 5-megapixel camera. It was the first Android device to support the Eclair operating system and the first Android device to support ...
The camera natively shoots in a 5:3 aspect ratio ... The devices include the: HTC ThunderBolt, Droid Incredible 2, Rhyme, and Rezound; Motorola Xoom, Bionic, RAZR, RAZR MAXX, Droid 4, and Xyboards ...