This is why medical regulation must be guided by physicians – politicians do not understand the day-to-day practice of ...
Binaries are presented through the biological division of reproduction. Yet, the choices of bodies to claim a specific ...
Federal judges ruled that President Donald Trump can't direct the government to stop funding grotesque transgender "medicine.
Congressional lawmakers were told earlier this month about the staggering price tag in taxpayer money used to conduct studies ...
In the wake of Donald Trump’s executive order banning transition-related care for minors, hospitals in blue states began ...
Belangenorganisaties van lhbti'ers vinden het verontrustend dat conversiebehandelingen mogelijk toch niet strafbaar worden.
Deze woensdag bespreekt de Tweede Kamer een verbod op conversietherapie. Broodnodig, schrijven de vier auteurs van dit ...
I am scared. I feel like it is okay to say that now that rumors have become reality. I am scared for my rights, my friends, ...
A Washington state judge has struck down President Donald Trump's executive order on transgender care. The Washington state ...
The court ruling against Trump's "discriminatory" executive order on transgender youth will improve access to health care, ...
Een wet die conversiehandelingen - het ‘genezen’ van mensen met homoseksuele maar ook transgender gevoelens - verbiedt, ...
Joel McEntire (R-Cathlamet), John Ley (R-Vancouver), Jim Walsh (R-Aberdeen), Suzanne Schmidt (R-Spokane Valley) and Carolyn Eslick (R-Sultan) want control of puberty and penises. House Bill 1038, now ...