I suffered extensive fatigue that I had attributed to a COVID-19 infection. Then a lung culture found something called mycobacterium avium complex. Would you kindly consider discussing this?
A team of researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (MPI-IS) in Stuttgart developed a biohybrid micro ...
Still battling that stubborn cough or cold? A health expert says mullein, a little-known plant-based remedy, might be the ...
A doctor has said a plant-based remedy you've probably never heard of could be the key to seeing off annoying coughs and ...
Dr Tim Bond, chemist and natural health specialist, said that, despite March being halfway through, coughs and colds were ...
Dr Bond said: “As an expectorant, mullein helps to break up mucus, making it thinner, and, in turn, making it easier to cough ...
Spring is in the air, in our lungs, and in our nasal cavities. Allergy season is very much here. 10 On Your Side spoke with ...
If fad diets were a sport, the Blood Type Diet would be the comeback kid—re-emerging every few years with a fresh coat of ...
By incorporating these easy sinus relief tips into your daily routine you can alleviate nasal congestion and begin the day ...