Click here to purchase the PDF version of Standards for the Preparation of Literacy Professionals, 2017 Edition. Not eligible for return or exchange. Standards for the Preparation of Literacy ...
These abilities cannot be taken for granted and need to be taught, supported, and integrated into the curriculum. Notably, some K-12 and higher education standards include visual literacy as one of ...
Information literacy competency and the purpose of information literacy competency standards are fully described in the ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education. This ...
A comprehensive and coherent set of mathematics standards for each and every student from prekindergarten through grade 12, Principles and Standards is the first set of rigorous, college and career ...
Bourke examines how first graders use critical literacy to interrupt the normalcy of the traditional happy ending and successfully reconceptualize the familiar story as perceived by the world around ...
Benchmarks for Science Literacy ... the selection and grade placement of science ideas; and encourages educators to recognize the interconnectedness of knowledge and to build these important ...
Lists National Standards. K-12 math, social studies, and language arts lessons and activities by grade. Includes videos, music, PPTs, and print materials. Utah Standards. Students earn a financial ...