Click here to purchase the PDF version of Standards for the Preparation of Literacy Professionals, 2017 Edition. Not eligible for return or exchange. Standards for the Preparation of Literacy ...
Notably, some K-12 and higher education standards include visual literacy as one of several key literacies needed for success in contemporary society. 1 Many discussions of transliteracy, metaliteracy ...
"First Graders and Fairy Tales: One Teacher's Action Research of Critical Literacy" by Ryan T. Bourke (The Reading Teacher, 2008) Bourke examines how first graders use critical literacy to interrupt ...
The ACRL Psychology Information Literacy Standards also build on the guidelines for minimal training for psychology majors first proposed by Merriam, LaBaugh, and Butterfield (1992). In addition, the ...
Project 2061 carefully considered the implications that specific content standards such as those in Benchmarks for Science Literacy could have for curriculum and instruction and shared their thinking ...
NEA encourages educators to advocate for the adoption of these standards to promote student financial literacy. An Introduction To Saving And Spending (PDF, 48 KB, 3 pgs.) Students in grades K-1 ...
California is moving closer to eliminating the unpopular Reading Instruction Competence Assessment for teachers and replacing it with a performance assessment based on a new set of literacy standards ...