Florida Atlantic University researchers explore how removing dead wood can reduce wildfire risk and enhance carbon storage.
With an increase in the severity and frequency of wildfires in California, some residents are taking matters into their own ...
Maintenance Choice for Wildfire-Prone Areas If you live in Northern California, you know how quickly wildfire risks can ...
Residents of the Sahtu are raising concerns about the impact of fire retardant and are asking the N.W.T. government for more ...
That’s why a group of Altadenans, called Altadena Green, are scrambling to save as many viable trees as they can while Phase ...
Two proposals would reimburse homeowners in wildfire zones for making their roofs and yards more resistant to blazes.
Discover how to fortify your home against wildfires with cutting-edge, fire-resistant building materials and designs that ...
A century of fire suppression, combined with global warming and drought, has led to increasingly destructive wildfires in the ...
Creating defensible space and using hard-to-ignite building materials improve a home’s odds of surviving a conflagration, experts say.