2025年1月に行われた「東京オートサロン2025」で披露されたホンダ・シビック・タイプRの新たなバージョン、RACING BLACK Packageに試乗した。
While manuals are still popular with Skoda customers, they’ve been embracing automatics in recent years. As the automaker ...
What are the best front-wheel-drive cars of 2025? Use our expert BuzzScore rating to find the best cars with FWD on the ...
The refreshed Civic Hatchback impressed the IIHS in all crashworthiness tests. Be that as it may, there are other areas where ...
With decent fuel economy and an excellent ride, the Lexus GX makes lugging race cars and trailers an absolute breeze.
The car business is a lot like Hollywood in that in a sea of obligatory sequels and ill-advised remakes, it’s not every day ...
Can a pedigreed engine, a polished chassis, and a feature-content free-for-all transform a humble commuter car?
The Binghamton Police Department has arrested one Binghamton man following an investigation into a late-night report of shots ...
昨年9月にマイナーチェンジを受けたホンダのシビックに、新グレードとなる「RS」が爆誕! クルマ好きの間で話題沸騰状態だという。そもそもRSはどんなグレードで、いったいどこがウケているのか? 自動車研究家の山本シンヤ氏が解説する。
ホンダ陣営は2024年からNSX-GTに代わりシビック・タイプRを投入。2025年シーズンは導入2年目となる。昨年、TEAM ...
Manual transmission cars are a dying breed, and it's becoming more difficult to find new models with the option. Here are ...
Score a stick-shift steal with 10 used cars from the past 20 years, like the 2002-2005 Honda Civic Si, blending fun and ...