A mysterious health issue, dubbed the 'Baldness Virus,' has struck Maharashtra's Buldhana district, leading to rapid hair loss in over 150 people and affecting at least 400. Local authorities are ...
Reports indicate that over 150 residents have experienced sudden and severe hair loss, with many becoming completely bald within a mere three days. The condition usually started with a strong ...
After writing about beauty (and hair care in particular) for several years, I’ve noticed that while investing in the right products and tools for your hair is a no-brainer for many people ...
Hair dryer technology has come on leaps and bounds over the past decade, with brands such as Dyson, Shark and ghd all trying to outdo one another with their latest releases. What constitutes the ...
The tool also nicely comes with a few helpful accessories, like exfoliation gloves to help prevent ingrown hairs from popping up and a safety cap for the back trimmer. May be too small to treat ...
Renal denervation, the obesity paradox, JACC and the FINEARTS trial of finerenone in HFpEF, a setback for a PFA system, and coffee are the topics Jon Mandrola, MD, covers this week.