You can sequence and enjoy a core-focused yoga class without dropping onto your back and busting out a set of sit-ups in the ...
How to do it: Place your hands on the floor. Step both feet back. Lengthen and straighten your body from head to heels. Be a ...
Boat pose is one of those yoga moves that’s as hard as it looks…if not harder. The exercise—which involves balancing on your ...
Sciatic nerve pain can be tricky and painful. If it's something you struggle with, here's a simple 5 minute yoga sequence to ...
Place your palms underneath your shoulders and keep your legs bent at 90 degrees in an all-four position on the mat. Initiate the pose by pressing into your palms, curling your toes under ...
This is an easy pose to transition into after Bridge, since you start this pose on your back. Lift your legs to the ceiling and out a little past your shoulders (or however far you can go).
Struggling with varicose veins? Introduce these yoga poses into your routine to manage varicose vein symptoms by improving circulation and reducing discomfort.
The first cool pose is Crow. To prepare for this, take your legs about hip width a part or a little wider, hands planted firmly on the floor, and just rocked back and forth. Rock your knees toward ...