Purdue Extension offers the Mental Health First Aid program in communities across the state. Mental Health First Aid is an eight-hour course to educate individuals about how to interact with and ...
If you feel you need support in seeking help, or even just somebody to talk to, our Mental Health First Aiders (MHFAiders) are here to help. Our MHFAiders have been trained to actively listen without ...
A total of 12 Oakland International employees have received mental health first aider training and qualified as mental health first aiders. The organisation specialises in direct to consumer, case ...
Research found that nine in 10 farmers in the UK think that mental health is the ‘biggest hidden problem’ facing the industry ...
Purdue Extension offers Adult Mental Health First Aid courses in person at various Indiana counties, as well as virtual courses through Zoom. Please review the list of currently scheduled courses ...
wellbeing strategy lead and mental health first aider, said: "Staff were asked if they would volunteer for the role of MHFA and the response was great. "These dedicated individuals received personal ...
“We aim to have at least one occupational mental health first aider in every office to ensure a better mental health environment in our workplaces,” Sim says. At the same time, Sim reiterates ...
The Bartholomew County Council for Youth Development will host Adult Mental Health First Aid training as part of First Presbyterian Church’s Heads Up Mental Health Initiative on Saturday, March ...