Playground Proms, the initiative that brings classical music directly to children via interactive workshops in their school ...
Playground Proms, the initiative that brings classical music directly to children via interactive workshops in their school ...
The KIDZ BOP kids have been ruling the airwaves for decades. But where are they now and who is running the show? We've got ...
“Maybe that’s too soon?” I ask. “It’s never too soon,” she chides. Suitably chastened, I bury my phone at the bottom of my bag and try not to look at it for the rest of the day.
Families no longer put their name down at the local school and take a place, says our columnist, but does greater choice come ...
We know that those who have grown up in a time when smartphone usage is a generation that sleeps less, socialise less and ...
On Monday the world will mark eight decades since the liberation of Auschwitz, the notorious Nazi extermination camps where more than a million people, most of them Jews, were murdered during the ...
テレビ朝日系音楽番組「EIGHT-JAM」(毎週日曜よる11時15分~)では12日・19日と2週に渡って、2024年のミュージックシーンを独自目線で振り返る「プロが選ぶ年間マイベスト10曲」の最新版を放送。12日の放送で10位から5位、19日の放送で ...