キヤノンの御手洗冨士夫会長兼社長最高経営責任者(CEO)は日本経済新聞の取材に対し、事務機やカメラなどの海外生産拠点を再編していく方針を明らかにした。一部で外部への生産委託も検討する。自前の工場で一貫して生産する方針を改め、市場の変動や地政学リスクへの対応力を高める。キヤノンは国内やアジアなどに自前の生産拠点を持つ。御手洗氏は「アジアで生産しているプリンターやデジタルカメラの下位機種などは(製 ...
If you're looking to purchase your first film camera or want to upgrade the equipment you already have, here's seven SLR ...
It's that time of year when we make ambitious plans for the next twelve months. Which of these will we manage to stick to?
Looking for the best mirrorless cameras? Geoff Harris and the AP team take you through the top options for all budgets and ...
But, there's more regarding the image sensor and camera. If you have a MFT lens, you can use it with the Mevo Core. Any MFT lens is compatible with the Mevo Core, but Logitech states it has a few ...