Dr. Sandra Lee has built a new kind of dermatologic empire by sharing gnarly extractions and cyst removals with the world ...
It would be unusual for true PID to be caused by an ovarian cyst removal. Certainly after any operation there exists the small risk of infection, which can happen even despite impeccable care ...
Gallbladder cancer, a highly aggressive disease, often goes undiagnosed until advanced stages due to nonspecific symptoms and lack of routine screening. Risk factors include chronic inflammation, ...
Urachus persistent adalah kondisi ketika saluran kemih janin tetap ada usai bayi dilahirkan, dan ini bahaya bagi bayi. Ini ...
As few as one in ten people survive pancreatic cancer five years after their diagnosis — making it the most ...
Learn how to remove eyelash extensions at home without ruining your lashes in this comprehensive guide. Say goodbye to ...
Lumps on your dog's paw or between their toes have many causes, including infections, irritation, allergies, friction, injury, and cancer.
Ovarian reserve refers to the quantity and quality of a woman’s eggs, which naturally decline with age. It is assessed ...
Higroma kistik bisa diketahui selama kehamilan atau sesaat setelah bayi lahir. Kenali penyebab dan cara penanganannya.
A diagnosis of ovarian cancer carries a dual threat—the disease itself and the danger of the cancer spreading. Now new ...
Ring Road branch, Naseem Medical Centre’s General Surgery Department is setting new benchmarks for surgical care in Doha.