A painful big toe can be very distressing since we use our big toe whenever we walk, bend, climb or even stand. Big toe arthritis, a form of osteoarthritis or “wear and tear” arthritis, is one of the ...
My sleep has been disrupted lately, mostly due to a new a RA pain I have been having in my left foot. It affects the joints right under my big and pinky toes, but also tends to spread to the middle of ...
Bunions are bony lumps on the side of the foot, just underneath the big toe, and they’re especially common in women. While they sometimes have no symptoms, severe bunions can cause pain and toe ...
Hard leather rubbing against the delicate skin of your heel, big ... left in when you’re not wearing them, which can slowly stretch the upper”. What are the best shoes to wear with toe pain?
Her left toe was deeply erythematous and swollen, and gentle palpation elicited 10/10 pain. The swelling in her left big toe was consistent with a developing tophus. She had no other evidence of ...
Shoes can trigger bunion pain. The expert explained what footwear choices can help in alleviating bunion pain.
As Durfee patiently answered questions, he wore a black protective boot on his right foot, following surgery on that big toe, and acknowledged ... before the pain became so unbearable he had ...