Picasso once said that "Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." For one space in Tucson's Barrio Viejo, ...
Before the Mexican artist Diego Rivera became famous for his monumental, socially engaged murals, he traveled to Europe and ...
Louise Riggio is downsizing her Manhattan apartment, which means selling more than 30 works by artists including Mondrian, ...
A new exhibition at Bowes Museum, featuring a Picasso and a Grayson Perry, is what the founder, Josephine Bowes, would have curated if she ...
Trish Parker, a healthy 90-year-old, went with her sons to Switzerland, where she chose to die by assisted suicide rather than risk a lingering end.
At an upcoming River North restaurant, art will be front and center — on the walls and on diners’ plates.
During the recent menswear and couture shows in Europe, designers revealed some of their favorite cultural spots, including ...
Following the news that the Pompidou Centre is closing for five years, another famous French attraction is shutting down for ...
Two Van Gogh paintings that provide unique insight into his life after he cut off his ear have gone on display in London.
Be soothed by the voices of these incredible musicians who are maintaining the spirit of R&B and neo-soul in the Mile High ...
Uterine cancer (also known as endometrial cancer) is the fourth most common cancer women in the U.S. are diagnosed with. It ...