St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts ...
The Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel to request an urgent miracle is a powerful plea directed to one of the most revered and respected beings in various religious traditions, including ...
St. Michael, the Archangel ... Obtain for us from God a share of thy sturdy courage; pray that we may have a strong and tender love for our redeemer and, in every danger or temptation, be ...
And he adds that the prayer of Leo XIII to Saint Michael the Archangel, he prays it “every day, in the morning, every day! to help me defeat the devil.” Asked about the analogy between Christ ...
Pope Francis is said to be awake and resting, and the community in Springfield got together on Sunday morning at Saint Michael’s Cathedral to pray for his recovery. On Monday, Pope Francis ...