Rheumatoid arthritis brings relentless pain and fatigue. Learn about one person's experiences with treatments, joint replacements, and surgeries.
The next big advance in treating diseases like rheumatoid arthritis could be tiny pulses of electricity delivered to the ...
You've heard massaging it can relieve stress—now experts have found the 27 million U.S. autoimmune sufferers could find therapy here, too.
“Patients with musculoskeletal issues often feel that the cold weather affects their symptoms,” says Dr Ahmeda Ali. “However, ...
While the phenomenon remains scientifically contentious, research suggests those with joint conditions are more attuned to ...
NORTH Korea’s “capitalist city” is set to open and welcome tourists next week – with a packed itinerary that visitors are to strictly follow. The launch of the bizarre ...
Four or more adverse childhood experiences – a threshold more likely to lead to poorer health and educational outcomes – reported by 17.6% of people surveyed ...
No matter the culprit, be it tendonitis, carpal tunnel or arthritis, hand and wrist pain can majorly impede your daily life.