To choose a mate the female bird returns multiple times to different nests. During the visit the male Bowerbird puts on a bit ...
AESGP explore the importance of self-care policies, supported by evidence on their economic, social, and health benefits ...
Children and young people with high levels of mental health needs are struggling to receive the help they need, or to have their difficulties recognized, according to a new study.
Background WHO Southeast Asian Region (WHO SEARO) is home to 1.94 billion people accounting for one-fourth of the global population. Objective The primary objective of this scoping review is to ...
Loneliness is a key driver in the maintenance of borderline personality disorder (BPD), Harvard researchers argue. Thus, many patients cite increased social connection as a primary treatment goal.
We study ten years of reforms in the United Kingdom which increased the ERA for women from 60 to 66.