From stretches to workplace ergonomics to electrical stimulation (yep), these self-care tips should help you find sweet ...
Medically reviewed by Smita Patel, DO It can be tricky to pinpoint the cause of pain at the base of your skull, the area ...
The NHS has listed what it believes to be the 20 top most painful conditions a person can suffer from. While there are ...
For some people, a neck massager is to help them relax from a stressful day. Fitness buffs and dedicated athletes may use a ...
Have you heard of the text neck? How about the texting thumb? Or the Smartphone pinky? Yep, too much mobile phone usage ...
Never crack, snap or pop your neck vigorously, medical expert warns that it could lead to severe injuries or even trigger a ...
Arthritis is a broad term that refers to the inflammation of joints resulting in joint pain, swelling, stiffness and limited ...
They don't call it "Utopia" for nothing — these pillows have a massive following for so many reasons. Grab a queen-size set ...
Many individuals can benefit from minimally invasive spine surgery, such as those living with degenerative disc disease, ...
Despite the advances in antibiotic treatments, ear infections can still lead to severe neurological complications such as ...
Some people feel fine in the immediate aftermath of a car accident, perhaps experiencing only minor bumps or bruises. But certain injuries, particularly internal trauma or soft tissue ...
Migraines can last anywhere from 4 to 72 hours, and the pain often worsens with physical activity. Many sufferers report that ...