UTI symptoms can fade for a few days but then return. Here’s how to tell if your UTI is going away and how to use home ...
Dr. David Perlin, one of the world's top experts on fungi, spoke exclusively to the Record about a new variant of the ...
Theories suggest UTI and constipation are related, but one does not necessarily cause the other at this stage in research.
You may well be aware of the importance of drinking water to reduce your risk of developing cystitis - the most common type ...
Urinary tract infections are no longer a common issue associated with women, it has become a growing concern for men too and ...
UTI symptoms can be alleviated with home remedies such as staying hydrated, drinking unsweetened cranberry juice, using heat ...
UTI or Urinary Tract Infection is caused by a bacterial infection in the urinary bladder, leading to burning sensation, pain ...
If you keep getting symptoms of a urine infection, there could be something sneaky going on inside your body, a doctor warns.
Urinary tract infections are incredibly widespread, affecting approximately 50% of women and 10% of men at some point in ...
Cancer Research UK experts believe 99.8 per cent of these cases are totally preventable through knowledge of the most ...
If you have a fever, back pain, or notice blood in your pee, it’s time to stop DIY-ing and head to your doctor. These could ...
If untreated, sepsis can progress quickly, leading to organ failure, severe tissue damage or even death. It’s considered a ...