A century after the four Scottish Colourists exhibited together in London, their dazzling work has been reunited in this ...
この展示会は、同館のコレクションに加わった、ピカソの版画芸術の最高傑作といえる『ヴォラール連作』全100点を初公開。 同展示会では、2月26日(水)までの前期、2月28日(金)からの後期に分けて展示している。ピカソの傑作を、この機会に鑑賞してみては。
A still life by Francisco de Goya appears at the start of this exhibition, depicting three raw salmon steaks oozing blood onto a counter. Nearby, a painting in a very different mode – Gustave ...
Twentieth-Century Nudes from Tate,” an exhibition including major modern artists, reveals the connection between our naked ...