WAVE Grant recipients are Ayesha Agarwal, Sharona D’Ornellas, Alaysia Renay Duncan, Amy B Tiong and Brittany Young.
Controlling where sound goes is difficult because of a phenomenon called diffraction – the tendency of sound waves to spread out as they travel. This effect is particularly strong for low-frequency ...
The phrase ‘new wave’ can conjure up all sorts of conflicting ideas as to what it might mean, but generally speaking, it refers to something that is ultimately new.
B.B.WAVESは、安室奈美恵、DA PUMP、三浦大知らを世に送り出した沖縄アクターズスクールによるオーディションで選ばれた、主に小中高生の若き才能者達が集まった総勢52名のグループだ。
D-Wave’s fresh claim that it has achieved “quantum advantage” has sparked criticism of the company—and of the scientific ...
東日本旅客鉄道株式会社「TAKANAWA GATEWAY CITY」PR事務局のプレスリリース(2025年3月4日 14時00分)TAKANAWA GATEWAY CITYでの心豊かなくらしを“音楽”で実現する注目コンテンツ紹介 ...