You can also provide an array of directories containing files to serve. This is useful for serving multiple static directories under a single prefix. Files are served in a "first found, first served" ...
The best static site generators make it simple and easy to build basic websites in a hurry. The best static site generators will help you build lightweight websites with ultra-short load times ...
Is it true that static stretching improves performance and prevents injury? We see it all the time — people lacing their fingers and pulling their arms behind their bodies to stretch their ...
While today's tires are made with conductive compounds to permit earthing of static charges, it was not always the case. In early days, aircraft tires were not sufficiently conductive to prevent ...
Static electricity shocks are more common in ... When one touches someone or something conductive, the electrical imbalance created is suddenly balanced or corrected. Quick flowing electrons ...
Static Web Server (or SWS abbreviated) is a tiny and fast production-ready web server suitable to serve static web files or assets.