Robert Weldon(ロバート・ウェルドン)、提供:Oregon Sunstone(オレゴンサンストーン) 宝石愛好家と革新的なジュエリーデザイナーは、多くの場合、あまり知られいない、それでも魅力的でユニークな、宝石の微妙な美しさを追求します。 それらのいくつかは ...
A graceful carving displays this Oregon sunstone’s bright, reflective copper inclusions, its intense color, and its pleochroism. – Robert Weldon, courtesy Oregon Sunstone Gem connoisseurs and ...
Sunstone is an English word that is used in many sentences in different contexts. Sunstone meaning in Urdu is a چشم گربہ کی قسم کا نگینہ - Chasham gurba ki qisam ka nagina. Sunstone word is driven by ...
Sunstone Metals Ltd (ASX:STM) has discovered gold-copper porphyry at its Bramaderos project in southern Ecuador, meaning mineralisation at the play is now spread across an area of 2 kilometres by ...