The American Lung Association gave Kentucky mostly failing grades when it comes to preventing tobacco use — and helping ...
Everyone seems to agree candy-flavored vapes are bad for kids. So why can’t lawmakers find a way to block their sale?
Objectives Characterise US residents’ exposure to restrictions on sales of flavoured electronic nicotine delivery system ...
German aerospace engineer Rudiger Koch has set a new world record for the longest time living underwater. The 59-year-old ...
Watermark West Rare Bookstore has overcome challenges for 40 years, including the internet upending the book business and a ...
The Trump administration has withdrawn the proposed rule that would ban menthol in cigarettes and flavored cigars according to the regulatory docket.
The author and Emmy-winning actor will join a throng of featured talent at the annual fest taking place in Atlanta from Feb. 5-7.
Panda lovers, rejoice! Tickets are now available for Panda Fest, an immersive panda-themed food and cultural festival coming ...
President Donald Trump has issued a “full and unconditional pardon” to Washington, DC, police lieutenant Andrew Zabavsky and ...
【NIKKEI COMPASS】株式会社ジュン(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長:佐々木進、以下「ジュン」)が運営する「SALON adam et rope(サロン アダム エ ロペ)」は、「Americana(アメリカーナ)」とコラボレーションした ...
Riverwater Partners, an investment management company, released its “Micro Opportunities Strategy” Q4 2024 investor letter. A ...
今回のテーマは“Gentle Athletic”。スポーツのエッセンスを取り入れつつ、上品でモードなスタイルを楽しめるラインアップを全12型揃えました。メッシュ素材やバイシクルパンツをアクセントに、洗練されたセットアップを新鮮なスポーツスタイリングで提案します。さらに、着こなしの幅を広げるギミックにあふれたアイテムを取り揃えます。シーンに合わせて何通りにもアレンジできる楽しさが魅力です。