Kaija Saariaho's Innocence was a complex and multilayered production about collective guilt and trauma that deployed different languages and singing styles for Adelaide Festival.
同楽曲は、ロックテイストの中にラップも取り入れた、爽やかで疾走感ある楽曲に。今を生きるすべての人たちの背中を押す楽曲となっている。MVは、人生の中で誰にでも訪れる光と影をテーマに、“陰と陽”の世界を島 ...
株式会社KADOKAWA(本社:東京都千代田区、取締役 代表執行役社長 CEO:夏野剛)は、2025年5月1日(木)に公開される映画『たべっ子どうぶつ THE MOVIE』より、映画を更に楽しめる4冊、『たべっ子どうぶつ THE MOVIE ...
Mantle has acquired the historical literary debut by Laura Evans in a two-book deal. Mantle publishing director Madeleine ...
The actor had a friend show him Grindr once, and he was surprised by "all these little dots of all these horny gay men sort ...
The popularity of the horror genre may be on the rise, but well before films like Midsommar, X, and I Saw the TV Glow hit the ...
22 日on MSN
The KwaZulu-Natal Philharmonic Orchestra’s two-concert Summer Season starts at The Playhouse Opera on Thursday.