「WING BINDER」はモバイルワーカーの悩みを解決するモニタースタンドです。10秒で設置可能なシンプルなつくりと厚み6mmのコンパクト設計が特長。絶妙な角度設計で画面の反射による目の疲れやタイピング時の手首の疲れを軽減します。タブレットやスマホを置いての多彩な使用方法で作業効率を向上。スタイリッシュなデザインがデスク周りの見た目をグレードアップします。
Under the bonnet of the Chevrolet Silverado is one of the few remaining V8s as rivals downsize to six-cylinders.
Lenovo introduced a slew of new tablet devices at the CES event that are aimed at different market segments. That includes ...
With one of the best phone controllers from Razer, like the Kishi V2 or the Kishi Ultra, you’ll be able to launch its PC ...
Blackviewの「Tab 60 Pro」は10.1型ディスプレーを搭載するタブレットだ。4Gにも対応して単体でモバイル通信もできる。手ぶらで出かけるときにも片手で持てる手軽なサイズの本製品を使ったのでレビューをお届けしよう。
It's funny how many people have no issues paying $1,000 for a smartphone. Granted, this is usually done in payments through ...
TCL has introduced its new NXTPAPER 4.0 display technology at the ongoing CES event. The company is also claiming significant ...
Google's Nexus 7 tablets were some of the best in the tablet world for years. At CES 2025, I used a new Lenovo tablet that could be their spiritual successor.
It's taken years, but Google's smart home panel is almost everywhere. It's consistent, reliable, and my favorite Google ...