In the last few years, virtual reality (VR) gaming has undergone a dramatic change into the world of the Metaverse. Everyday, as these immersive experiences get more sophisticated, we push the ...
Gaijin Entertainmentは『War Thunder』のスピンオフ作品としてVR専用で登場するコンバットフライトシミュレーター『Aces of Thunder』の最新トレイラーを公開。これまで発表されていた第二次世界大戦の戦闘機に加えて、第一次世界大戦の戦闘機も登場することを明らかにしました。 連合国と中央同盟国の壮絶なドックファイトを追体験 “レッドバロン”の異名を持つ撃墜王マンフ ...
PC gaming offers the best possible experience for gamers. High-end gaming computers pack more graphical and processing power ...
While virtual reality is indeed a bold leap forward, it would be nice if you could take that leap without crashing into real obstacles in the real world. We’ve all seen videos of people wearing VR ...
【台北=龍元秀明】台湾電機大手の宏達国際電子(HTC)は23日、主力の仮想現実(VR)グラス・ヘッドセットなどクロスリアリティー(XR)部門の一部を米グーグルに2億5000万ドル(約390億円)で売却すると発表した。研究開発人員の一部がグーグルに移籍 ...
Last month, Google introduced the Android XR platform in partnership with Samsung and Qualcomm, which is "a new operating system built for this next generation of computing". Now, Google has bought ...
It's March of 2016 and I've just brought home my brand-new Samsung Galaxy S7 on launch day. Because I've pre-ordered it I've ...
Jolly Roger. Pirates VR: Jolly Roger is a relatively new action-adventure game recently launched with a very positive ...
Despite the extra immersion VR titles offer, they’re still nowhere near as mainstream as their flatscreen counterparts. Sure, ...
トムクリエイトは本日,VRゲーム「ネフィ~月灯りの迷宮~」のMeta ...
Samsung and Google's VR headset is being displayed at Galaxy Unpacked and we've got pictures and juicy information.
Atrax will be open from January 30 to February 1. All the latest innovations for children in the indoor play, edutainment, outdoor adventure and simulation sectors. Published bimonthly, iNTERGAMINGi ...