As the Strategist’s dental-hygiene expert, I’m constantly trying the latest oral-health products, from toothpaste to tongue scrapers. Teeth-whitening treatments are relatively new to my own ...
As soon as your baby’s first teeth come in—which can start as early as 6 months—you’ll want to get started with toothbrushing, according to the American Dental Association. Children under ...
Parents should use toothpastes that contain fluoride with a minimum concentration of 1,000 parts per million to prevent tooth decay in their children, says a new report. Preventing tooth decay can ...
If you’re considering using toothpaste for sensitive teeth, I spoke to dentists about everything you should know before ...
BioMin forms a protective layer which blocks the microscopic channels that cause sensitivity. Independent clinical trials show BioMinF – a toothpaste produced by the research team’s company, BioMin ...