Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator - Reddit
A place to discuss Fantasy Map Generator (FMG) and maps created with its help. You may post suggestions, share created maps, links to blog posts, tutorials and any other related stuff. Please also join our Discord, where you can get almost immediate help. Updates, discussion and questions for Armoria (Heraldry generator and Editor) tool are also going here
Azgaar Fantasy Map Generator: the best world building tool i
May 25, 2020 · The Azgaar Fantasy Map Generator at first glance may come across as just a world generator like Dojon and Worldspinner(two great tools, don't get me wrong), but if you take your time mastering the options it offers, azgaars can be a very powerful map making and world building tool to have in your arsenal.
Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator: Battle Simulation
Jun 21, 2020 · Posted by u/Azgarr - 42 votes and 9 comments
Europe - bigger and better : r/FantasyMapGenerator - Reddit
May 4, 2020 · All details are basically made from scratch. I found a good large map of Europe, put it into the image converter, tweaked the map a bit, and then just added everything in by hand. Google Maps was my main point of reference, as well as numerous maps I searched for online.
Making a map step by step : r/FantasyMapGenerator - Reddit
Jun 6, 2019 · --break and re-form continents until I have a satisfactory basic map --set overlay to hieghtmap --export as PNG in texture mode *azgarr's to set height maps and jagged-ize coastlines --import from PNG, set colors, and change ocean level untill the map proper shows up - …
Some suggested map seeds for people to use : …
Feb 18, 2019 · So I've been saving up some map seeds that I liked or thought could be turned into something every time I loaded up the site to edit my site's map. I figured I've got enough to share as a collection now so here's some maps that I would personally use. 339197835 - Single island/continent 973535514 - Two islands
Editable Map of Westeros on Azgaar [Spoilers Published] - Reddit
Jun 4, 2024 · I used Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator to make an editable map of Westeros. This will be the first in a series of posts which will feature the map at certain periods of Westerosi history. Here I will be posting the map at the start of the books/show and then the War of Five Kings before the Battle of the Blackwater.
A Review of Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator : …
Aug 22, 2019 · Azgaar and I both started working on fantasy map generation from the same base, but he's gone in a very different direction, so I thought it would be interesting to take a look at the current state of the Fantasy Map Generator and the features and capabilities he's created.
Very new to Azgaar's, its freaking awesome, but can I expand
Sep 30, 2022 · Save your map first (Click on "Save", and then click the "machine" button). You can use the Transform tool - at the bottom of the Tools tab, there's a Transform button. Click it and drag the scale slider to the left. After you've done, land that was on the edge of the old map is extended, so it may end up with straight lines.
Is there any way to resize a map? : r/FantasyMapGenerator - Reddit
Jun 21, 2020 · A place to discuss Fantasy Map Generator (FMG) and maps created with its help. You may post suggestions, share created maps, links to blog posts, tutorials and any other related stuff. Please also join our Discord, where you can get almost immediate help.