1. Some examples of hummingbirds with blue-green feathers are1234:
    • Broad-billed Hummingbird: a male has rich blue-green feathers, a red bill, and a violet-blue head and throat.
    • Violet-crowned Hummingbird: a male has a metallic violet-blue head and throat, a green back, and a steel blue tail.
    • Green-crowned Brilliant: a male has a golden green forehead and crown, emerald green underparts, and a steel blue tail.
    • Blue-throated Hummingbird: a male has bright green upperparts, blue on the throat and breast, and a coral-red bill.
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    Here’s a delightful sight: a hummingbird with beautiful blue-green feathers in the United States. Broad-billed Hummingbird with Blue-green Feathers A male Broad-billed Hummingbird has rich blue-green feathers. His colors make him look like a tropical hummingbird, with the red bill and contrasting the blue-green on his body.
    Its head is metallic violet-blue, the back shining green, and the uppertail coverts deep blue. The forked tail is steel blue. The chin and throat are the same metallic violet-blue as the head; the rest of the underparts are metallic green with a blue gloss. The female's bill is entirely black.
    Males of the nominate subspecies have an iridescent golden green forehead and crown, shining bronze-green upperparts, and a steel blue tail. Their underparts are glittering emerald green that is most iridescent on the breast and bluish on the throat. They have white thighs. The nominate female's forehead and crown are bronzy green.
    The male is mostly bright green with blue on the throat and breast. The tail is dark and notched. The bill is coral-red with a dusky tip. The female has dingy gray underparts and a white supercilium.
  2. Hummingbird Identification: An Illustrated Guide to all …

    The male has an iridescent green gorget, sapphire-blue cap, black breast, and tail. The female has the throat, breast and belly spotted or scaled with greenish. …

    • Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins
    • 7 Blue Hummingbirds North America (Photo, ID Guide) - Bird …

    • Hummingbird Identification with Chart – An Ultimate Guide

    • Blue-headed Hummingbird - eBird

      A hummingbird of forest openings and edges where it feeds in understory on flowers and insects. The male is splendidly clothed in iridescent deep blue and green. The female is dingy white below and mostly shimmering green above, …

    • 13 Types of Blue Hummingbirds in North America - BirdAdviser

    • 7 Blue Hummingbirds in North America (Photo, ID Guide)

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