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  1. The phrase “Deez Nuts” is a slang expression that originated in the African-American English dialect. It became widely popular in the 1990s.
    The phrase “Deez Nuts” is a slang expression that originated in the African-American English dialect. It became widely popular in the 1990s.
    A: Deez nuts is an expression used to deliberately interrupt or divert a conversation.
  2. 英語について質問です - .Deezとは、どういう意味ですか ...

  3. deeznutsの意味は?英語のスラング | 令和の知恵袋

  4. 【Deez】の例文や意味・使い方 | HiNative

  5. Origin of "deez nuts" - English Language & Usage Stack ...

  6. deez nuts - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

  7. deez nutsの意味・使い方・読み方 | Weblio英和辞書

  8. Deez - Urban Dictionary

  9. deez nuts Meaning & Origin | Slang by Dictionary.com

    2021年1月19日 · What does deez nuts mean? Deez nuts is an expression used to deliberately interrupt or divert a conversation. It is not a literal reference to testicles; rather, it is used figuratively to disrupt and show disrespect to whatever discussion is currently occurring.

  10. Deez Nuts - Wikipedia

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