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      Jeep CJ - Wikipedia

      • The Jeep CJ models are a series and a range of small, open-bodied off-road vehicles and compact pickup trucks, built and sold by several successive incarnations of the Jeep automobile marque from 1945 through 1986. The 1945 Willys "Universal Jeep" was the world's first mass-produced civilian four-wheel drive car. In 1944, Willys-Overland, the primary manufa… 詳細


      In 1942, the US Department of Agriculture tested the MB. By 1944, the Allies were confident the war would be won, and wartime production looked to be winding down. This allowed Willys to consider designing a Jeep … 詳細


      Although at least 40 were built, the Willys-Overland CJ-2 was not available for retail sale. The CJ-2s, also known as "AgriJeeps", were the second-generation prototypes for the first production civilian Jeep, and were used solely for te… 詳細


      The lessons learned with the CJ-2 led to the development of the first full-production CJ, the 1945-1949 Willys-Overland CJ-2A, or Universal Jeep. A trademark for "AGRIJEEP" was granted in December 1944, but was not used. The CJ … 詳細


      The Willys-Overland CJ-3A was introduced in 1949, and was in production until 1953, when replaced by the CJ-3B. It was powered by Willys' 60 hp (45 kW; 61 PS) L-134 Go-Devil four-cylinder engine, with a T-90 transmission … 詳細

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        三菱 ジープの中古車探しは - 【グーネット中古車】

        サイトの訪問者: 過去 1 か月に 10 万 人以上
      • carsensor.net
        www.carsensor.net › カーセンサー › 中古車

        【在庫情報】ジープ 中古 - 三菱 eKシリーズの在庫情報

        スポンサー【検索】お近くの販売店からリーズナブルな中古車を探す。豊富な掲載台数から目的の車が見つかる。中古車情報が豊富。ネットで探すならカーセンサー。価格や走行距離から検索可。在庫確認は無料。 (総額表示NO1) 修理費0円アフター保証車。在庫数40万台以上。タイプ: 軽自動車, SUV, ミニバン, ハイブリッド, ステーションワゴン, コンパクトカー, クーペ、セダン, ハッチバック, 福祉車。
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