repotting - What will happen if I repot my Acers in May - Gardening ...
Apr 18, 2020 · I wouldn't worry about the timing. I've worked for several plant nurseries that sold and installed trees and shrubs, and we would repot or plant throughout the growing season except during late July/early August (the hottest part of our summer) or during a drought.
When should I start repotting bonsai Juniper?
Jan 8, 2014 · It depends on what part of the world you are located. I live in pacific northwest in Washington state. We have pretty mild winters here in the Puget Sound so I am able to repot my juniper starting in early to mid February. I will give them extra protection from frost and wind until they are re-established in their new pots.
repotting - When and how to repot this cactus? - Gardening ...
To repot a cactus, especially a spiky one like yours, you'll want some old foam cushions that are as deep as the spikes to allow for safe and easy handling. Simply wrap the cactus in something like this and you should have no problems. Some other useful advice on repotting is to dry the soil out before doing this. References
repotting - Is it time to repot my chili plants? - Gardening ...
Feb 12, 2018 · I'm a first time grower in need of some advice: About three weeks ago (2018-01-20), a repotted my chili seedlings into the pots seen in the pictures. Is it already time to repot them again? The reason I ask is because they are starting to look a bit tired: the leaves are becoming more pale green (some a bit yellowish), and some are curling upwards.
houseplants - When should I repot a pony tail palm? - Gardening ...
Dec 20, 2019 · Kay, typically you would repot it in the spring if it is touching the side of the pot. They will stay small if you keep them in the same pot for many year. Eventually it might start to break the pot. At that point you have to repot it. You can repot every other year if you choose, but keep in mind this plant can get quite large.
houseplants - Should I repot my plants that I bought online ...
Mar 11, 2018 · So those are my reasons as to why I think you should repot. Also, as a bonus, here are some almost indestructible beginner plants for you to try. Spider Plant, Sansevaria(mother-in-law tounge), peace lily, and (drum roll) the most indestructible plant you can grow in almost pitch black with spotty watering, Pothos!
repotting - Can I repot one of these stalks separately? - Gardening ...
Mar 15, 2020 · In theory I would like to separate one of those stalks and repot it in its own pot; however, I'm not sure whether these are separate plants or three stalks growing from the same root. So my question is: Is there a way to determine ahead of time whether these are separate plants or one plant?
Should I repot a newly purchased rubber plant
Jun 7, 2018 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
houseplants - Repotting sunflower to bigger pot? - Gardening ...
Jun 16, 2018 · Sunflowers have a lifecycle of a few months. They sprout, grow tall, grow a flower, and then they die. You might be able to extend the lifecycle a bit with special care indoors, or you can trick the plant into sprouting in the middle of winter, …
Is my bird of paradise too crowded? Should I divide or repot it?
Apr 17, 2016 · There looks to be lots of top area to grow in. You would repot if they dried out quickly after watering or stopped flowering. Birds of paradise rarely flower indoors, your performance may vary. I have frequently seen this species grow indoors to 8' to 10' ( ~3 m) tall in similar size pots.