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  2. How to learn web design in 9 steps (+ best practices)

    Beginners in web development often confuse UI and UX. In short, UX covers how users experience your site — whether they find it straightforward to navigate, if the visuals are intriguing, how they feel as they journey through it. UI focuses on a site’s interactivity, complementing the UX designer’s user-focused goals to ensure the site “hits.” Here...


    UI work includes all the mechanisms that put a piece of technology into action. A doorknob is a user interface, as is the volume control on your car radio. Just as buttons and knobs enable users to interact with machines, user interface elements on a website allow people to put actions into motion. Interacting and engaging with a website should be ...

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    People latch onto familiar design patterns, making for an accessible route through a site. You likely intuitively know where to look because you’ve seen these patterns before. So, understanding common web design patterns helps you create websites that flow smoothly. Z-patterns and F-patterns are the most common reading paths on sites.

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    Typographyserves several purposes in web design. It makes content legible, but it can also evoke emotions. The tasteful use of stylized typography adds to the overall aesthetic of a site. Here are the three basic typographic types: 1. Serif typefaces have minuscule lines (known as serifs) that decorate each letter 2. Sans seriftypefaces lack the id...

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    You can watch tutorials, read blog posts, enroll in free web design courses, and absorb all the theory and information you want about web design, but the best way to become a web designer is to begin designing. Start with a simple project like a blog. Creating one gives you practical design experience as you learn how to use a content management sy...

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