Vedder vs Concealment Express Holsters - SIG Talk
Nov 3, 2022 · I have both holsters and between the two I agree with the comments @Navy87guy made above. I am using the Vedder for both my P938, and LCP. I have the CE for a P238. While I also have a Vedder for my P365, I found a more comfortable option in …
Vedder ProDraw OWB Paddle Holster - SIG Talk
Apr 29, 2022 · You can‘t go wrong with Vedder. I don’t like paddle holsters but the light draw is an awesome holster so is the light tuck. They have a 30 day return policy. If you don’t like it send it back for something different. Their customer service is one of …
Vedder Holsters Pocket Locker | SIG Talk
May 27, 2017 · Has anyone used the Vedder Pocket Locker for a 938? I have used a sticky holster for a few years but would like something better. The kydex is thin so no extra bulk. Hard shell should offer safe trigger coverage. There is a curve to the holster to conform to your leg and a thumb thingy to help draw. Seems like a nice rig. Pocket Locker - Vedder ...
Vedder Holsters for IDPA/USPSa | SIG Talk
May 21, 2023 · Vedder Holsters for IDPA/USPSa Jump to Latest 1.2K views 8 replies 6 participants last post by spwheeler May 21, 2023
Vedder Light Tuck vs less expensive holsters | Page 2 - SIG Talk
Jul 5, 2019 · I have the Vedder LightTuck for my P365MS and P229 Legion. I have been very pleased. Like most, I have a box full of cheaper and some more expensive holsters. For AIWB I like the Vedder the most. With a good belt it is very comfortable. Body size/shape makes a difference. I'm slim with an athletic build.
Vedders Holsters - SIG Talk
May 27, 2019 · Vedder Holsters are awesome Yes, I have a whole bunch of Vedder Lite-Tuck Holsters. They are the best IWB holsters I've ever used. Especially on the P365, its like a second skin, perfectly molded. I like that I can tuck my shirt between the clip and holster, completely concealing the carry. Only the clip shows.
IWB Hybrid - Vedder or Crossbreed | SIG Talk
Jan 16, 2022 · I have both, Vedder and Crossbreed. BOTH are excellent companies and some of the best CS I have seen,. Vedder just came out with a Hybrid/leather holster, similar to Crossbreed. I have the Vedder Lightuck and love them. I wear AWIB and they are comfortable with my 365, 365XL or G19. I love my Crossbreed holsters, when I wear on the hip, 3-4.
Vedder Holsters for P365 and P320 XCompact - SIG Talk
Jul 23, 2022 · I've used Vedder Light Tuck IWB holsters for my P320 XCompact and P365 and 365XL for several years and have been very pleased with the quality of materials and workmanship. When I got the 365 in .380 I decided to try a pocket holster for the first time for better comfort, and ordered a Vedder Pocket Locker which is a Kydex 'shell'.
Vedder Holsters | SIG Talk
Mar 28, 2017 · Have Vedder Light Tucks for P239 and a Shield. Both switched from Comp-Tac hybrid holsters. I dumped the Alien Gear I tried for the Shield after two days of wearing. The Vedder is compact, comfortable and stays put. I'm even …
Opinions on Vedder Light Tuck? | SIG Talk
Oct 30, 2020 · I only use Vedder Holsters. I had 8 for various guns but now I have 10 after buying 2 from a forum member this week. 9 are Light Tuck and 1 OWB Paddle. I tried 3 other brands before I found the Vedder and the Vedder justs work perfectly for me. The retention the belt clip is excellent in my opinion and the adjustments to the ride height and cant.