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  1. Pictures, Causes, and Treatment for Scaly Skin - Healthline

    • You may experience scaling of the skin due to certain health conditions, including allergies and infections.
      What Is Scaling Skin?… さらに表示

    Conditions that cause scaling skin, with pictures

    Actinic keratosis
    •Typically less than 2 cm, or about the size of a pencil eraser •Thick, scaly, or crusty skin patch •Appears on parts of the body that receiv… さらに表示

    Causes of scaling skin

    Several skin disorders and physical conditions can lead to scaling skin. Scaling skin is usually a symptom of an underlying issue. Related conditions and diagnoses may includ… さらに表示

    Diagnosing the underlying cause of scaling skin

    When you initially recognize scaling skin, you may simply apply lotion and not give it much thought. After all, it’s very common for skin to sometimes scale during periods of cold, dr… さらに表示

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