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  1. BirdLife International - BirdLife is the world …

    2024年12月30日 · People are destroying and consuming nature at a devastating rate. Birds are our early warning system. BirdLife International is the largest international Partnership for nature conservation.

  2. BirdLife International, Tokyo

    BirdLife International Tokyo is the Japanese presence of BirdLife International, the world’s oldest and largest international nature conservation partnership working to protect birds and their habitats. The Tokyo office was established in ...

  3. Sites - BirdLife International

    2022年10月18日 · BirdLife International focuses on protecting the most important sites for birds and biodiversity across the world. Learn about the Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBAs) and Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) programmes, and …

  4. Birds - BirdLife International

    “Birds are among the most crucial species to the global ecosystem. They must be protected at all costs.” For millennia, birds have been winging their way across the globe and through our imaginations.

  5. Who We Are - BirdLife International

    2021年10月2日 · Bird migration is one of the great wonders of the natural world. Our mascot, the Arctic Tern, migrates from one pole of the planet to the other between their breeding and wintering grounds – migratory birds don’t choose their routes …

  6. What We Do - BirdLife International

    2022年4月5日 · Welcome to BirdLife International en As a global Partnership, we believe in internationalism. We have translated as much content in your language as our resources allow. Our network of over 2 million birders, scientists ...

  7. State of the World’s Birds 2022 - BirdLife International

    2022年9月27日 · The report reveals the alarming decline of nearly half of all bird species and the threats they face. It also showcases the success stories of conservation action and the challenges ahead for the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.

  8. Wild Bird Society of Japan (WBSJ) - BirdLife International

    2021年12月9日 · Welcome to BirdLife International en As a global Partnership, we believe in internationalism. We have translated as much content in your language as our resources allow. Wild Bird Society of Japan (WBSJ) Mission of

  9. Focus Areas - BirdLife International

  10. Species - BirdLife International

    2022年4月12日 · From the first, species have been the foundational pillar of BirdLife. Birds are why BirdLife exists. They provide the rationale for our conservation programmes, they are nature’s best early warning…

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