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  2. dvds - Best Buy

  3. 【2024年】DVDプレーヤーのおすすめ人気ランキング35選 - mybest

  4. dvds and movies - Best Buy

  5. 他の人はこちらも質問
  6. Best Buy is axing physical DVD and Blu-ray business in …

    2023年10月13日 · The retailer will end its DVD and Blu-ray business next year, leaving online streaming as the main way to watch movies. The Verge laments the loss of physical media and the nostalgia of browsing movies at Best Buy stores.

  7. DVDとブルーレイの違いとは?どっちを買うべきか選ぶポイント ...

  8. Goodbye to more DVDs? Best Buy plans to phase out …

    2023年10月13日 · Best Buy is saying goodbye to movie-watching with physical discs. The consumer electronics retailer plans to phase out its DVD and Blu-ray sales by early 2024 — with physical movies set to be sold in-stores and online as they

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