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      christmas tree - Ruim assortiment

  1. Douglas fir, (genus Pseudotsuga), genus of about six species of evergreen trees of the conifer family Pinaceae, native to western North America and eastern Asia. The trees are important timber trees, and the strong wood is used in boats, aircraft, and construction.
    Douglas fir  (Pseudotsuga menziesii) is an evergreen coniferous tree in the Pinaceae family. It is native to coastal areas in western North America and to British Columbia. A non-flowering forest tree that produces cones, some Douglas firs can grow to be more than 300 feet tall in the wild.
    Douglas firs are evergreen trees found in the Rocky Mountains and points westward, as well as parts of Canada, Mexico, and eastern Asia. These trees, particularly those found in the Pacific northwest, are known for living an extremely long time and having the ability to grow 300 feet tall or more.
    The Douglas Fir, scientifically known as Pseudotsuga menziesii, is a magnificent evergreen coniferous tree that belongs to the Pinaceae family. It is commonly referred to as Douglas Fir, paying tribute to the Scottish botanist David Douglas who extensively studied and introduced this species to horticulture.
    Douglas fir is an evergreen conifer that can grow to 55m and live for more than 1,000 years. The bark of young trees is grey-green with highly scented blisters, and becomes purple-brown, thick and corky with horizontal fissures over time.…
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    Douglas fir - Wikipedia

    The Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) is an evergreen conifer species in the pine family, Pinaceae. It is native to western North America and is also known as Douglas-fir, Douglas spruce, Oregon pine, and Columbian pine. There are three varieties: coast Douglas-fir (P. menziesii var. menziesii), Rocky Mountain … Meer weergeven

    Douglas-firs are medium-size to extremely large evergreen trees, 20–100 metres (70–330 feet) tall (although only coast Douglas-firs, reach heights near 100 m) and commonly reach 2.4 m (8 ft) in diameter, … Meer weergeven

    The common name honors David Douglas, a Scottish botanist and collector who first reported the extraordinary nature and potential of the species. The common name is misleading since it is not a true fir, i.e., not a member of the genus Abies. For this reason, … Meer weergeven

    Many different Native American groups used the bark, resin, and needles to make herbal treatments for various diseases. Native Hawaiians built waʻa kaulua (double-hulled … Meer weergeven

    • Brock, Emily K. (2015). Money Trees: The Douglas-Fi.r and American Forestry, 1900–1944 Corvallis, Oregon: Oregon State … Meer weergeven

    Ecology afbeelding
    Overzicht afbeelding
    Uses afbeelding

    Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii, the coast Douglas-fir, grows in the coastal regions from west-central British Columbia southward … Meer weergeven

    Preferred sites
    Douglas-fir prefers acidic or neutral soils, such as Olympic soil. However, it exhibits considerable morphological plasticity, and on drier sites … Meer weergeven

    Wikipedia-tekst onder CC-BY-SA-licensie
  3. Douglasspar - Wikipedia

  4. Douglas fir | Description, Uses, & Species | Britannica

  5. Douglas Fir: Key Facts - Forest Wildlife

    Learn about the Douglas fir, a large evergreen tree that is not a true fir, pine, or spruce. Find out its distribution, habitat, size, lifespan, uses, and more.

  6. Douglas Fir - National Wildlife Federation

    Learn about the Douglas fir, a false hemlock that is not a true fir, pine, or spruce. Find out its range, life history, conservation status, and uses for wildlife and humans.

  7. Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) - Woodland Trust

    Learn about Douglas fir, a non-native evergreen conifer that can live for over 1,000 years and provide habitat for wildlife. Find out how to identify it, where to find it, and how it is used for timber and Christmas trees.

  8. Douglas fir — Park Hoge Veluwe

  9. Douglas fir | Tree species - Forestry England

    Learn about Douglas fir, a tall and majestic tree native to western North America, with dark green needles and oval-shaped cones. Find out how it is used for timber, paper and wildlife habitat, and see the tallest Douglas fir in England.

  10. Identifying the Douglas Fir Tree - Treehugger

    15 feb. 2022 · Learn about the two varieties of Douglas fir, a native evergreen coniferous tree in western North America. Find out how to distinguish it from other trees by its needles, cones, and habitat.

  11. Douglas-fir tree

    Learn about the Douglas-fir, the state tree of Oregon and the second tallest tree species in the world. Find out how to identify it, what animals and plants depend on it, and why it deserves protection as a national monument.


      christmas tree - Ruim assortiment